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Prospect for Asia - Pacific telecommunications

19:50 | 13/11/2023
Marc Einstein, research director at Frost & Sullivan ICT industry in Asia - Pacific just raised the forecast for the telecommunications sector in Asia - Pacific.
Accordingly, the forecast for the state to regulate the management, acquisition activities and the merger is expected the first two of the 10 forecast of telecommunications in Asia - Pacific.

Forecast 1: Regulation of state management
The battle for mobile broadband spectrum and the national broadband initiative will be the subject of regulatory management in Asia - Pacific in 2012.
     While the number of 3G subscribers and this is 4G in Asia continues to increase, the spectrum for mobile operators to limit becomes a problem may be controversial in the growing area. While many markets LTE spectrum bidding, it will still require several more bands, especially in the 700 MHz band - will be open to mobile operators. The spectrum re-planning is another issue that is bleak in many areas of water, and while the 2G stop not feasible in many countries, because this will be an option for the operators can not ensure sufficient spectrum.
     On fixed broadband, the national broadband plan is progressing in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia together with Indonesia has announced his plans. Countries will be expected followed by Thailand, Vietnam and India to promote the use of fiber optic and services while protecting the revenue of the telephone company's current state.

Forecast 2: acquisition activity and mergers
Over the years there were few activities and merger acquisition (M & A) in this area, but some transactions will occur due to too many operators and the band level.
      Asia - Pacific will witness active acquisition and merger, may include markets such as India, Indonesia, Cambodia and possibly Vietnam where the market has shown signs of overload to large losses for companies delay. A new trend is the merger of the property spectrum of an operator will be significantly higher value due to demand more broadband spectrum, especially the current 2.3GHz can used for TD-LTE. Many new opportunities for new mobile licenses will be rare, such as South Korea are looking for a licensed operator but not a nice 4th (in any case would be a domestic company) even Although NTC may issue a new license in the Philippines to balance the market after agreement between Smart and Sun Cellular.

Forecast 3: Smartphone
Exist or not exist for Nokia and other Japanese suppliers
     Nokia will be testing in this area this year despite a somewhat obscure devices on the market, and need a game changer in the array smartphone Windows Mobile push position in this area. Similarly, the handset manufacturers in Japan will eventually do its utmost to expand outside the domestic market as SoftBank, KDDI and NTT DoCoMo are even expected to occupy the iPhone 5. RIM's efforts to hold the position in the region with its brand still held in Southeast Asia, but there are many management problems. LG also will move to a new strategy for having been pushed off the smartphone segment and is challenging the will on the heels of Nokia dropped from the value chain of mobile devices.

Forecast 4: Mobile broadband
Licensing LTE will run smoothly over 3G licensing, but many obstacles on the market.
     The fact that both China and India have already started to deploy TD-LTE is good news for both areas when the market was very slow deployment of 3G services. Many left the market in this area will not have LTE services such as Malaysia, New Zealand and Taiwan will choose licensing and commercial launch late 2012 or early 2013. The emergence of LTE smartphones plus increased use of 3G will put an end to the data plan is not limited in many markets.
Forecast 5: Mobile Payment
The mobile payment services will become popular, but the business model was not perfect.
    Year 2012 is considered the technology of communication distance (Near Field Communications - NFC), and while the support provider's equipment is specified and the management initiatives in Singapore and South Korea encouraging acceptance, business models will continue to exceed the mobile operators. The SMS-based payment, cash and deposits will continue to receive attention in the emerging market and will still have a range of activities outside of Japan in 2012.

Forecast 6: The telecommunications provider
Exist or not exist for the Nokia-Siemens, Alcatel-Lucent
     Both large telecommunications companies has announced staff reductions in 2011 due to significant losses increase, and new strategies are in place to challenge in 2012. Both telecommunications companies have arranged activities and are betting heavily on mobile broadband for their future. Compete with Ericsson, Huawei, ZTE and Samsung will possibly put these two companies in trials and could be a merger through a form of split type Nortel merger. This capability will be quite high this year.

Forecast 7: machine to machine communication
While the sector holds considerable potential, much of your communication activities will be limited to machines in the automotive industry.
     The communication service machine to machine (Machine-to-machine - M2M) is creating considerable interest in the potential region by the billions "subscribers" and new revenue that can bring M2M, regional Asia - Pacific region will lack both the authorization management as in other areas and the business model in place to launch the market, when manual labor costs significantly lower in Asia . Therefore, M2M is expected to hold positions in industrial automation, automotive industry in 2012.

Forecast 8: Mobile Advertising
The new business model will begin to convert the mobile advertising market in Asia.
     Mobile advertising market in Japan has dominated sales of Asian long but this will change rapidly due to the increasing number of smart phones in this area. While SMS-based models will remain popular and have a large shift to the web advertising (banner). What is more interesting than the new business model as a static display ads, authentication services and promote better data analysis is being used to bring the market to the next level and more Such cases would be expected in 2012.

Forecast 9: Tablet PCs
Apple may be affected but will still dominate
     Apple will still keep the throne and kingdom of the tablet market in Asia - Pacific in 2012, although there is still room for other operators to compete, but in reference below. While certainly attractive Amazon Fire in the West, electronic reading devices not very popular in Asia and the quantity sold will remain lower than other areas.

Forecast 10: The mobile operating system
Android continues to dominate in the key markets, but Windows Mobile will be the second wind.
     The operating system on mobile devices through IOS Andoroid in major markets such as Japan and South Korea in 2011, while RIM's operating system holds the leading position in many countries of Southeast Asia and Apple dominate markets such as Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. This trend will continue despite the acquisition of Motorola's mobile division of Google will promote Korean companies towards more or Windows Mobile OS Bada by the companies in the country of manufacture.
                                                                                                  (Source: ICTPress)

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