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Must auction to get the right to use frequencies

19:55 | 13/11/2023
(According ictnews.vn) The telecommunications business want to have a radio frequency will be conducting an auction to use instead of granting free as before. However, the frequency of the auction business will be transferred to other businesses.
The high bidder will have the network frequency

   The Prime Minister issued Decision 16/2012/QD-TTg Regulations auction, transfer rights to use radio frequencies with effect from May 1st, 2012. Accordingly, the telecommunications business want to have radio frequency will be conducting an auction to use instead of granting free as before. The enterprises may use band frequency channel through the evaluation of minimum requirements and the cost of the business. Enterprises meet the minimum requirements and is the highest bidder winning the auction business. Objects will be involvedin auctions as firms providing telecommunications services with network infrastructure in accordance with the law on telecommunications. Every business successful bidder is allocated a block of spectrum, one or more frequency channels defined in the auction invitation dossiers.
In each period, the MIC Minister to the Prime Minister decides the list of band specific frequency channels to be bided in accordance with the planning of radio frequencies. MIC Minister decided to establish an bid and the Council shall determine the working procedures of the Council bid.
    Band auction is divided into blocks of spectrum in accordance with the planning of radio frequencies. Minister of MIC's decision to block starting price band, channel frequencies to be bided before the bid.
    The bidder shall comply with several rounds of bid forms and blocks all frequency bands, channel frequency or a bid or otherwise as the Minister of MIC stipulated in Tender invitation bid. MIC Minister shall specify the organization to pay the price at bid regulations.
    These businesses can participate after paying the price paid earnest money to withdraw from the bid shall send notice of not continue to participate in the Council bid for the bid. This notice of the business is only valid when the bid council received before the time of holding cost at least 24 hours excluding weekends and festivals, holidays prescribed by the State.
   The results of the auction is canceled in the business such as business case violated auction regulations or collusion between the parties to the auction or between the enterprises involved, and businesses do not pay auction winners winning bidder in the amount prescribed.
To transfer the right to use frequencies after 3 years
    According to the Decision on enterprises licensed to use radio frequencies through auction-transferable right to use frequency band, radio frequency channel for other businesses in at least three years from the date of issuance of permits for use of radio frequencies. Subjects are assigned rights to use radio frequencies is the business telecommunications service provider network infrastructure to meet the minimum requirements specified in the dossier of invitation for bid at an auction business transfer involved. Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the Ministry of Information building and the state agencies have promulgated regulations on the use right transfer tax of radio frequencies.

   According to the Regulation on the auction, transfer rights to use radio frequencies, the enterprise must have earnest money specified in the auction invitation dossiers but at least 1% and a maximum of 15% starting at blocks of spectrum, frequency channels. Enterprises successful bidder shall be deducted before the amount of money placed winning bids. Earnest money be returned in the following cases: not winning the auction business is placed before the repayment period not exceeding 15 working days after the auction results are announced, enterprises withdraw from the auction prescribed in Article 12 of this Decision shall be placed before the repayment period not exceeding 15 working days after the auction council receiving written notice of withdrawal from the auction of the business. However, the earnest money is not refundable in case of winning the auction business is not paid in accordance with the auction winner or business withdrawn from the auction does not meet business rules and the highest bidder withdrawal the offered bid before the auction ends.
   Enterprises successful bidder must pay 50% of the winning bids into account by the MIC appointed within 90 days from the date of the MIC announced the auction results. Enterprises do not pay the successful bidder winning the auction is canceled in accordance with the auction winner and the result is non-refundable earnest money.
   The amount of the remaining 50% is processed as follows: 25% of enterprises must submit the winning bid amount into account by the MIC appointed within 18 days after the auction results are announced. Enterprises must pay 25% of the remaining auction winnings into account by the MIC indicated a period of from 19 to 36 months from the date of the MIC announced the auction results. The proceeds from the auction of the state budget. The money will be used to prioritize the development of telecommunications infrastructure, universal telecommunications services, radio and television as the subject project was approved by the Prime Minister.

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